An Unexpected Trip

      When I was a child I had a very close relationship with my grandmother. I loved to spend time with her and I really looked up to her. She was an enthusiastic and adventurous woman who was passionate about life. She was optimistic, had tones of energy and, what I liked the most, she loved travelling.

      My grandmother was a very small person as well. By then, I used to make jokes to her about her height . Once, while she was laughing, she told me “the day that you become taller than me I will take you with me in a trip.” I got excited with the idea and I asked her to take me to Hawai.

     Years pass by and, at last, I became taller than her. During years, I had received postcards from  contries with names that I had never heard before and finally my moment had arrived. Unfortunately, she got ill and the trip seemed unlikely to happen so we didn’t mention it  anymore.

    Twelve years later my grandmother died. It turned out that she had left me in her will an amount of money to travel. To my surprise, she had never forgotten the promise she made to me  when I was a child.  Eventually, we couldn’t do the trip together but as she would probably have said to me  “don’t think about that and always look on the bright side of life.” So I did.


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